OKI Volleyball was created to offer youth in the Oak Island/Southport/Brunswick County area an opportunity to learn and practice indoor and beach volleyball. As the HS coach at SBHS, it's important to me to offer more year-round training opportunities nearby so players don't have to travel to Wilmington or Myrtle Beach to train. My goal is to offer a variety of volleyball options to accommodate the schedules and commitment levels of all interested players and to grow the sport in the area. This includes:
- year-round indoor classes
- year round beach classes
- indoor competitive club team
- beach competitive club
- fun beach tournaments and more...

Originally from Chapel Hill, NC, I began playing volleyball on the campus of UNC when I was 19 and fell in love with the sport.
I played on the UNC Mens Club team and after college moved to California to play competitive beach volleyball. After a few years competing to play professionally on the AVP Tour, I began coaching with legendary volleyball players
Sinjin Smith and Randy Stoklos. I partnered with Sinjin to run a variety of volleyball programs including tournaments, camps, indoor club, beach club, and classes. I've been coaching and running volleyball programs for over 15 years and am still working with Sinjin to run Beach Volleyball Camps in CA during the summer, traveling to Los Angeles every June to get camps started.
In 2019, my family and I decided to move back to NC. We are a beach family, so we knew we wanted to be on the coast and landed on Oak Island. I coached at SBHS from 2020-2023 and started coaching SBMS in 2021. After traveling to Wilmington on an almost daily basis to coach kids during the off-season, I decided to do what I did in California and launch camps/classes in our area. I am excited to develop a strong volleyball culture here and provide opportunities for youth (and adults) to play/train year-round.